Irving Park Dental Center

5530 W. Montrose
Chicago, IL 60641

Phone: (773) 777-3309
Text Us: (847) 924-7119

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Business Hours

Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 am to 6 pm
Saturdays 9:30 am to 2 pm by appointment

Dr. Spencer Bloom has affordable payments, financing and insurance for his general and cosmetic dentistry in Chicago IL. This website is for information purposes only and is not designed to, and does not provide dental or medical advice. The content is not intended to substitute advice from a trained professional. His office serves dental patients from the Irving Park, Portage Park, 6 Corners, Harwood Heights, Northfield, Glenview, Deerfield, Highland Park, Wheeling, Buffalo Grove and Northbrook, IL neighborhoods.

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Our goal is for you to leave our office with a memorable and enjoyable experience, which is why our welcoming and compassionate staff will do everything they can to make you feel right at home.

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